Freebies365 Blog

29 December 2008

Look what Santa brought me!

A brand new Camera! It's a gorgeous 8mpixels and takes amazing photos. It's a Canon IXUS 80 IS and I love it. I have to do a blatant plug here for the awesome recommendation made to me by Forest Photo in Ringwood. I explained that the 1st camera that Santa delivered just wasn't up to standard. (Don't buy a Fujufilm A860, talk about pixelation and no way is this 8mp camera, it pixelates at anything above 24% of the photo size in photoshop. My faithful old Vivitar 4mp could do better than that!). We discussed the options and decided on the little Canon. What was even more awesome was that they were happy for me to bring it back, no questions asked the next day if I wasn't happy.
Now that is customer service you don't get from the likes of Curry's, Dixons and the other big stores.
I even got a free camera case and 2GB SD card. So a huge thank you, I am a very satisfied customer and thoroughly appreciate the personal touch and service. If you're ever in the New Forest and need some sound honest advice, pop along to Ringwood (a pretty nice place anyway) and drop in there for a browse. Here's a couple of quick pictures taken tonight. Click on the image for an enlarged photo. Have fun,

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